Like all types of eczema, the skin becomes red, scaly and itchy.
Also referred to as venous eczema or gravitational eczema.
Varicose Eczema usually develops on the skin on and around varicose veins.
It is usually one minor annoyance and does not give rise to any major problem.
Eczema is the name for a group of diseases of the skin causing irritation and dryness of the skin.
Other types of eczema include:
- Atopic Eczema - also called atopic dermatitis
- Contact Dermatitis - a type of eczema that occurs when the body comes in contact with a particular substance
- Discoid eczema - causes round or oval patches
What is varicose eczema?
Varicose eczema is usually caused by varicose veins.They are swollen and enlarged blue or dark purple veins. They can also be lumps, bumps or stranded in appearance.
Varicose veins occur when the small valves inside the veins stop working correctly and allow blood to flow backward, leading to varicose veins, inflamed and enlarged.
Within these veins pressure increases, which can damage the skin and cause varicose eczema as well as more serious damage.
Varicose eczema: treatment
Treatment for Varicose eczema involves treatment of dry skin as the underlying blood flow problem.Continuous use of emollients, which is recommended to be applied on a permanent basis, moisturizes the skin by significantly reducing the loss of water of the same.
The application of Corticoid ointments is also recommended to control problems and alleviate their symptoms.
Another important element for the improvement of this ailment are the compression stockings that should be used every day, without exception.
Varicose Eczema Treatment and Pictures |
For this consult with the specialist about what kind of stockings use taking into account the particular characteristics of circulation of each patient.
These treatments are usually sufficient for controlling varicose eczema.
However, if they are not effective, or if you have lipodermatosclerosis, a more severe form of venous skin damage, should be referred to a vascular specialist - a doctor who specializes in vein-, in order to investigate and treat the underlying problem.
The treatment of varicose veins often cure eczema.
Who affected varicose eczema?
Due to venous disease - varicose veins - skin problems become more common with age and tend to affect more women than men.Some estimates suggest that venous disease causes changes in the skin in three percent (3%) of adults.
This figure rises to twenty percent (20%) of persons over the age of seventy (70) years.
You can read another articles like Eczema Treatment, How To Get Rid Of Eczema Scars, How To Treat Eczema, Natural Remedies, Types Of Eczema.
varicose eczema
eczema treatment
treatment for varicose eczema
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