Friday, June 19, 2015

Eczema Treatment - Eczema Natural Treatment

Eczema Treatment - The term eczema refers to a desquamative and process associated with itching affecting the skin. Although the latest mechanisms involved in each of the types of eczema are different, there is in each one of them a change in white blood cells, which facilitates an abnormal immune reaction to external to the individual substances. In infantile Atopic Eczema possible desencadentes factors, must be discarded as infectious processes and certain foods.

Eczema Symptoms

Characteristics of the different eczema skin lesions are red and scaly in different areas of the body, and important itch-associated plates. If in some cases it occurs an important inflammatory reaction, instead of circumscribed scaly plates could observe the presence of vesicles containing serous inside.

Eczema Types

Basically, it can be divided into two groups:

1. Atopic Eczema: characterized by the presence of red and scaly skin lesions, mainly in the skin of the extremities, and that tends to be associated with various allergic processes: asthma, urticaria, allergic rhinitis, etc-, along with dry skin.
Eczema contact, characterized by the appearance of scaly plaques on the skin surface, good for the skin irritation of substances which are toxic for the patient - contact ortoergico eczema-, or by an allergy to certain substances that come into contact with - Allergic Contact Eczema - skin.
2. Diagnosis
The diagnosis of each of the forms of eczema should be through the medical history. In particular, in the Allergic Contact Eczema contact patch tests should be performed in order to determine the allergen responsible for plates of eczema that the patient presents.
Eczema Treatment - Eczema Natural Treatment
Eczema Treatment - Eczema Natural Treatment

Eczema Treatment

The Allergic Contact Eczema treatment will be to avoid the substance to which the patient is allergic. In patients with atopic eczema, food that may be involved will be removed, and intercurrent infectious processes will be addressed. In addition, once detected and eliminated the triggers, treatments such as corticosteroids - topical or systemic-, antihistamines, are indicated moisturizing creams and antibiotics. In those patients with allergic eczema ortoergico, Furthermore, recommendations aimed at protecting the affected areas must be given to patients, and in particular, to housewives is recommended to use gloves to perform household chores.

You can read another articles like   Dyshidrotic Eczema, Eczema Causes, Eczema Cure, Eczema On Hands, Eczema Symptoms.  

eczema treatment
treatment of eczema
natural eczema treatment

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